IA certificate

The PNC-ICC and TIR Operators has approached to the ministry of commerce and informed about their problems in the Operation matters facing, due to lack of awareness of TIR Rules and Procedures, custom staff posted at various custom stations. Ministry of Communications has requested the Directorate General of Transit Trade to issue a circular to […]
SWITCH OVER TO PSW IMPORT OF PSQCA RELATED 163 COMMODITIES FROM 3rd JANUARY 2024. Self explanatory Circular and Commodities List issued by PSW attached for further guidance.


It has been reported the Uzbekistan has increased charging transit fee for Pakistani Cargo Vehicles from $:400 to $:550. Pertinent to mention Pakistan do not charge any transit fee from Uzbekistani Cargo Vehicles. Ministry of Commerce has requested TIC Tashkent to take up the matter with relevant authorities in Uzbekistan to discontinue charging of transit […]
QBL Certificate
AMO KARWAN Certificate
Pak Afghan Torkham Border, Salang Tunnel Opened for heavy traffic after repair, renovation.

Salang Tunnel Security and monitoring head Mr. Allhaj Moulvi Abdul Hakim Agha has announced that from Thursday December 28, 2023 after repair and renovation Salang Tunnel is going to open for all kind of traffic. Mr. Allhaj Moulvi Abdul Hakim Agha announced that for management of traffic passing through Salang Tunnel, “Tidal Flow” will […]
23 Dec 2023: Current Situation at Custom Border Post Ghulam Khan Border

تفتان پہیہ جام ہڑتال ۔ آل ٹرانسپوٹر ڈراٸیور کسٹم حکام کے خلاف تفتان کسٹم اور تفتان این ایل سی کو ہرقسم کے ٹریفک و کاروبار کیلٸے بندکیاگیا ۔ ڈراٸیوروں کا کہنا ہیں کہ کسٹم حکام ٹیکر کو بہانہ بناکر 20 دن سے زاٸد ہماری گاڑیوں کا پاس نہیں کررہےہیں ٹیکر ہمیں کسی صورت میں قابل […]
23 Dec 2023: Current Situation at Custom Border Post Taftan Border

شمالی وزیرستان غلام خان بارڈر پر کاروبار رک گیا۔ علاقہ مکینوں کی طرف سے مطالبات کی منظوری تک ہر قسم کی ٹریفک کیلئے روڈ بند کر دیا گیا ہے۔
Training Session for the Renewal of PSW User Subscription along with SECP Verification Module
Dear Members, Pakistan Single Window-PSW would like to invite you for a virtual Training Session for the Renewal of PSW User Subscription along with SECP Verification Module. In this session, our Domain and System Experts will provide you the detailed walk through of the User Subscription Renewal and SECP Verification Process by using the PSW […]