NLC Certificate

Torkham border was closed since 6th September, after reopening of the border this morning on 15 September 2023. First vehicle crossing border
Training of TIR Applicants Session
Pak-Afghan Torkham Border Current Situation. Meeting held at Zero-Line on September 10, 2023

اے او اے صاحب، موضوع: زیرو لائن طورخم پر بارڈر فلیگ میٹنگ آج 10 ستمبر 23 کو 1200 بجے سے 1300 بجے تک زیرو لائن پاک افغان بارڈر گیٹ پر BFM کا انعقاد کیا گیا۔ اجلاس میں درج ذیل عہدیداران موجود تھے۔ افغانستان کی طرف ▪حافظ عصمت اللہ یعقوبی کماسور افغان گمرک۔▪قاری معراج کمانڈر میجر […]

Earlier IRT Chamber have started issuance of Carnet-De-Passage from Karachi. Now IRT Chamber is going to start Tourism for Iran. For coming holly month of Rabi-Ul-Awal and Ayam-e-Fatmia a 14-night Ziarat-Cum Tourism package, inclusive of Traveling, Hotaling and food is ready. Individuals, small and large groups and Families may contact for their booking.

(India-Midle East-Europe Economic Corridor) The G20 Conference held in India on September 9, 2023 in India. Wherein in competition with China a CPEC rival corridor is decided to develop. A draft agreement among the G20 participants for creation of IMEC is reported for the information. Routes of IMEC
Closure of Tokham Border and positive response of Taliban Government

Pakistan’s only Road Link (SALANG TUNNEL) with Central Asia is Temporarily going to close.

Afghan Ministry of Transport officially informed to TDAP of Pakistan that, Afghan Government is working on the Salang highway to repair and concrete the road and Salang tunnel, therefore the tunnel will be repair first and from Sunday 10 September 2023 the Salang Road will be closed for unknown period. All the traders are requested […]

In continuation to the Alert given on August 22, 2023 whereby it was informed, about conduct of the TIR Training Session for TIR Admission Applicants, on September 07, 2023. It is confirmed that the proposed session for TIR Training is going to be held on already proposed date. The training session will be conduct at […]
Shuaa Welfare Foundation
We, at the International Road Transport Chamber of Pakistan (IRTC), would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation for the valuable seminar/workshops/trainings conducted by Mr. Ameer Hamza, our Regional Director for Gujranwala and Chief Coordinator for Shuaa Welfare Foundation. The initiative to focus on the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) was timely […]