Resuming of Transit under TIR for Central Asian States (CARs)

A zoom link meeting on March 05, 2024 was convened by Ministry of Commerce at Islamabad for discussing about the matter of Transit under TIR. The Meeting was chaired by Honorable Additional Secretary Commerce Ahsan Ali Mangi.
Other honorable officers of Ministry of Commerce of WTO, Afghan Transit and CARs Transit wings were also present.

From the Customs side Secretary Transit & Border Trade of FBR along with Automation and Reforms Team of PRAL Karachi also attended.

From the side of TIR Stake holders attendees were;

Chairman, General Secretary and Manager Carnet of PNC-ICC,

President IRT Chamber of Pakistan,

Vice President, (Russia Chapter) of IRT Chamber of Pakistan,

Representative of NLC,

Representative of Al Tijjar Logistics.

After start of meeting representative of NLC, briefed about their
success story of TIR Operations with Power Point Presentation. Currently NLC is
biggest TIR Operator in Pakistan. NLC Representative highlighted the importance
of Transit under TIR for Pakistan.

Actually the Transit under TIR for Afghanistan and for CARs was under suspension.
In this regard being representative body of TIR Operators a TIR Advocacy Representation was submitted with the office of honorable Director Transit, Karachi by President IRT Chamber of Pakistan with request to remove impediment in the way of Transit under TIR. (TIR Advocacy Representation may be downloaded from given link)

The impact of impediments for TIR under TIR Conversion was highlighted by honorable Chairman of PNC-ICC and emphasized for resuming of Transit under TIR. In this meeting
authorities were convinced to resume Transit under TIR in a first phase for Uzbekistan and other CARs, and Afghanistan chapter needs some further deliberation.  



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