Taliban’s Government Resumes the Charge of Afghan Embassy in Tehran.

Honourable Mr. Abdul Ghani Farahi, caretaker diplomate of previous IR Afghan Government announced on FEB 27, 2023 at Tehran that, yesterday was their last working day as diplomate for working as diplomat appointed by previous government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Now, the charge of the Afghanistan Embassy in Tehran has been transferred to the caretaker government of the Taliban.

While handing over the chaege of the Embassy to new diplomats appointed by Taliban, Mr. Abdul Ghani Farahi himself and on behalf of his colleagues and the people of Afghanistan express his appreciation to all ECO staff and representatives of member states for all their cooperation and support.

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ناصر کنعانی سخنگوی وزارت امور خارجه در پاسخ به سوال خبرنگاران در خصوص تغییرات داخلی سفارت افغانستان در تهران اظهار داشت : پایان ماموریت یک دیپلمات و سپردن سرپرستی امور سفارت به دیپلماتی دیگر از همان مجموعه سفارت به معنی تغییر در وضعیت حقوقی آن سفارت نیست.
سخنگوی وزارت امور خارجه اضافه کرد هیچ تغییری در مواضع جمهوری اسلامی ایران در چگونگی تعامل با حکومت سرپرستی افغانستان بوجود نیامده است.
Nasser Kanani, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in response to the journalists’ question about the internal changes of the Afghan embassy in Tehran, stated: the end of the mission of a diplomat and the entrusting of the affairs of the embassy to another diplomat from the same embassy complex does not mean a change in the legal status of that embassy.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs added that there has been no change in the positions of the Islamic Republic of Iran on how to interact with the caretaker government of Afghanistan.



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